I spent my Lone Pine day at LoveNote’s place. She has a laptop, so I was able to see the blog on a computer for the first time in 3wks and tend to a lot of things I’d let slide since leaving for the Sierra High Route. Just the usual with mostly blog and correspondence. I didn’t get to watch shows with all there was to do, but may get an episode in later tonight! Up and at ’em early tomorrow to start the High Sierra Trail. Why Not and Rockin’ stayed at a hotel in town and we will all be back at it again early tomorrow to start the High Sierra Trail hiking about 70mi (about 4 days) from east to west across the Sierra. Check out the “Where’s Wired” tab for a detailed map of the route. Excited to get a change of pace and hike on some trail before we head over to the Wind River High Route!

Good morning baby Juniper!

Skyping with my nephews and showing them my resupply.

Skyping with my nephews and showing them my resupply.

FaceTime with the family I nanny.


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