I will always be indebted to the Pacific Crest Trail for all the amazing ways it has changed my life. As I hiked the trail, I often thought of all I could do to give back to the trail. I know that donating is the obvious route and I definitely do that (here are the links to become a PCTA Member or just give a one time DONATION).

I’ve also found many other ways to give back to the trail. I often get emails from people preparing for their own hike and it’s great to give them the advice just like others did for me. This past summer, I was able to do trail magic by providing a water cache and food at a campsite in Southern Oregon for a few days. It has been very fulfilling for me to share the trail through this journal and the presentations that I’ve given. It has been really great to be a trail ambassador of sorts and inspire others to become part of the PCT community.

This past summer, trail & kids…two of my favs!

This brings me to the main reason why I have written this post. This past summer, I was able to volunteer with trail crews and do multi-day trail maintenance. It was a very emotional and gratifying experience each time I worked with the trail crews. As soon as I stepped on the trail, I would remember exactly how I experienced that specific location and I feel like the trail is part of me. By working with the trail crews, I found out how many people and hours it takes to keep this trail in the impeccable condition that it is. Without hundreds of hard working volunteers each year, this trail would not exist. This February, I have the honor of presenting at the PCTA, Mt Hood Chapter Annual meeting where volunteers will be recognized for their contributions and the Mt. Hood Chapter will reflect on the work they’ve accomplished in this section of trail this year. The event is open to the public and I will be doing a one hour presentation. All are encouraged to attend and I hope to see some of you there. If you can’t make it and are interested in volunteering by joining a trail crew, please CLICK HERE. If you are interested in coming to the Annual Meeting, here is the flyer.

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