I’ve had many people ask me about sending care packages along the trail. I’ve added a Care Package tab at the top of the blog with the following information…

Care Packages for thru hikers are a pretty cool thing. When I hiked
the PCT, I found the care packages to be very uplifting and motivating.
In addition to my family and friends, I unexpectedly received many care
packages from blog followers I had never met before. Many sent small
things just wanting to thank me for the blog and wish me luck on the
rest of the hike. It was inspiring to feel so much support and love when
I was so alone and removed on the trail. Amazingly motivating! If you
are interested in sending a care package or gift of some kind please go
over the information below.

Who to Contact with Care Package Questions
If it is a question for me, you can email me directly at erinsaver@ixr.0db.myftpupload.com
If it is a question for my resupply contact person you will email my step mom Robin at wiredresupply@gmail.com
Where to Send Care Packages
simplest way is to send packages/letters to the PO Box address below.
If not already labeled, my step mom will label each item with the name
of the person who sent it and then divvy it up among multiple boxes if
necessary. It is fun for me to have a bar or dinner and think about the
person who sent it to me:) Yes, this does add a delay in when I will
receive care packages, but it really is the best way to actually put to
use what is sent.
Erin Saver
PO Box 294
Carbondale, IL 62903-0294

If You Really Want to Send Directly to Trail
care packages to hikers on a thru hike can be a challenging
task. There are logistics to figure out as to where the hiker may be and
then there is the worry that what you’re sending is not what they need
or would be able to carry. I will be providing a list at the bottom of
this page of some of my anticipated town stops and estimated arrival
dates. I will adjust the list the best I can as I hike, but it is best
to email me to let me know you’re sending something. If I don’t know to
ask for the letter/package, I won’t get it…again, remember that I have
to carry whatever is sent and I already have a full resupply coming to
most towns.

What to Send…
I haven’t met you, it’s always fun to get a scanned picture of you
included in the letter to get and idea of who all is sending me such
gifts, but only if you’re comfortable with that. If you can label each
item in permanent marker with your name, that would be great….even
write a fun note on it if you like too!
To avoid coming home to an
abundance of trail food, I will be crossing things off the list if I’ve
gotten enough to cover the hike.   

Food Ideas…
put an asterisks next to the items that would be a very special treat
on trail for me, but that my budget will not cover.
**Mountain House Entrees (*Serves 2 Size)
     Please DO NOT send desserts, breakfasts, spicy, seafood, lasagna, or mac & cheese.
Personal Favs include…Chicken Teriyaki with Rice, Pasta Primavera,
Spaghetti w/Meat Sauce, Beef Stroganoff w/Noodles, Chicken
     Alfredo, Chicken Breast & Mashed Potato.
**Backpacker’s Pantry Entrees (*Serves 2 Size)
     Please DO NOT send desserts, breakfasts, spicy, seafood Lasagna, or Mac & Cheese.
Personal Favs include…Pasta Vegetable Parmesan, Beef & Broccoli
Stir-fry, Fettuccini Alfredo with Chicken, Mashed Potatoes & Gravy
     Beef, Spaghetti & Sauce.
 **PROBAR Meal Bars: Found at Whole Foods.Wholeberry Blast, Oatmeal Raisin, Original Blend.

  • Candy Bars: Kit Kats, Reeses PB Cups, 3 Musketeers, Peanut M&Ms, Snickers, and Peanut Butter Snickers
  • Odwalla Bars: Berry GoMega, Blueberry Swirl, Strawberry Pomegranate, Banana Nut 
  • Chips: Mini Bags of Doritos, Sour Creme & Onion, Cheetos, and BBQ Chips.
  • Pringles: Original, Sour Creme & Onion, and BBQ
  • Cookies: Chips Ahoy or Oreos

 Non-Food Ideas…(don’t forget I’ll have to carry anything sent)
-If you live near trail and are interested in hosting me (and possibly some stinky friends) when I get to town, email me!
Creative Letters
Small Trinkets
Gift Cards/Monetary Gifts: You will notice I do not have a donate button on my journal. I like earning and paying for my own hikes as I feel the word “donate” belongs to those in true need. Having said that, some have found it simplest to send monetary gift cards or checks. That is understandable and very much appreciated. It will go towards all the headphones I will probably lose and gear I’m sure will need replaced/fixed.
Mini SD Cards with Music or Audiobooks:
     -Here is a list of my PCT Soundtrack…I’m a lyrics person and range from folk to current pop. 
   -Audiobooks, I look for novels that are light, that I can listen to
passively, and not too long…Here  are a few that have been on my list
for awhile that I’ve been 
     unable to get from the free library. 
          -The Red Book by Deborah Kogan
          -Seriously I’m Kidding by Ellen Degeneres 
          -The Solitude of Prime Numbers by Paolo Giordano
          –Into Thin Air by Jon Krakauer 

What You Should NOT Send… 
-Unless we know each other, please DO NOT send homemade goods…I will only take prepackaged food from people I don’t know.
a picky eater, so don’t get too creative with food. I know that organic
soup might look good at home, but remember I need a diet on trail that
is very high in calories, fats, and carbs. No matter how hungry I am, my
stomach will not take seafood, spicy food, Larabars, fruit leather, or
most types of trail mix.
-Anything HEAVY!

Expected Resupply Towns/Dates

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