July 28th
Dirt Rd 6mi after Reas Creek(1897.5)-Raynolds Pass(1931.1)
Campsite Elevation: 6,801ft
It is pretty late right now since I am up late blogging and it’s almost 11pm. Yesterday, it was overcast and my battery could not be charged on my phone, so I am doing entries for both yesterday and today. This one will be more brief….today was AWESOME and just what we’ve needed! We didn’t expect this day and it has recharged us. We started hiking at 6:40am and had great hazy morning sunlight views!

We had extended uphill that took us up on the Divide and it was tiring, but energizing at the same time. This is what we came out here for!

It’s been awhile, but this gave us hope that we will have more days like this. Wonderful views, wildflowers, challenging ups and downs, and pretty perfect weather. There was intermittent sun to charge my phone enough to blog tonight, and it was cool and cloudy a lot today.

Made the climbs really enjoyable. There were rumbles throughout the day and we dodged the storms and dark clouds around us with just sprinkles from time to time. Just a great day for all three of us!

Throughout the day, we repeatedly crossed back and forth between Montana and Idaho. There was one point in the trail when the tail did a horseshoe and two people can stand on trail each in a different state. Rampage is in Montana and Bloodbath is in Idaho.

At the end of the day, we came off the high divide and dropped down over 3,000ft to overlook a basin that was a stark contrast to the rest of the day.

We had miles of shrubby, sage-filled, bumpy ground and ended up choosing another less than ideal camp spot. It was in tall grass and brush, but it’s been windy and is up against trees that are protecting us.

Around 8:30pm, two thru hikers surprisingly came up and joined us. It was Sweet As who I last saw in northern New Mexico and Dain who I’ve yet to meet on this trail. Both speedy hikers who went to town at the last pass and took a couple days off. Both of them went to the hospital…Dane had something bite his leg a few nights back and it infected and swelled his whole thigh. Sweet As has two broken ribs and Mersa(infection) that he’s had for awhile. Just crazy! It was fun to have them in camp tonight. Okay, I’m really up too late, good night!

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