Gotta love the stats! One of my favorite posts to do…and one of the most time consuming to write. Totally worth it! Enjoy…

Georgia to Maine
Miles: 2,185.3mi
April 17th-August 5th
Start #: 1,195
Harpers Ferry #: 424
Finish #: 135
Days to hike the trail: 111 days
Zero days(no hiking): 6 days
Average daily mileage(including zeros): 19.7mi/day
Average daily mileage(excluding zeros): 20.8mi/day
AT High Point:6,655ft (Clingman’s Dome in Smokies, N Carolina)
AT Low Point: 120ft (Bear Den at Trailside Zoo, New York)

State Mileages (from ATC site)
Georgia: 76.4mi
North Carolina: 95.5mi
Tennessee: 287.9mi
Virginia: 550.3mi
West Virginia: 4mi
Maryland: 40.9mi
Pennsylvania: 229.6mi
New Jersey: 72.2mi
New York: 88.4mi
Connecticut: 51.6mi
Massachusetts: 90.2mi
Vermont: 149.8mi
New Hampshire: 160.9mi
Maine: 281.4mi 

Trail Town Stats
Trail Towns: 24 
Nights spent in a hotel/inn: 15
Nights spent in a hostel: 2
Nights hosted by a trail angel/friend: 8
Nights at a town campsite: 1
Resupply boxes sent to myself: 14
Times I sent my laptop to myself: 4
Hitches (from strangers): 7 
Rides (prearranged or friends): 28
Cars Rented: 1
Times I ate Subway!: 21 Subs:)

Random Trail Stuff: 
Nights I slept in my tent: 84
Nights camped solo: 25  
Most miles hiked in one day: 30.4mi
Least miles hiked in one day: 2.9mi 
Days I hiked 30-35mi: 3 days
Days I hiked 25-30mi: 32 days
Days I hiked 20-25mi: 32 days
Days I hiked 15-20mi: 26 days
Days I hiked 10-15mi: 12 days
Days I hiked less than 10mi: 11 days
Days with significant precipitation or heavy rain: 23 days
Bear Sightings: 4 (3 in Shenandoah area, 1 in NY)
Moose Sightings: 0, BOO! 
Days I threw up: 1 (much improved!)
Audiobooks listened to: 10 
Nights in a shelter: 1 (final night at The Birches in Baxter)
Hikers I spent multiple days hiking with: 3…Ferris, Kallins, Jett Cat
Most consecutive miles/days spent with another hiker: Jett Cat, 373mi/21 days
Falls resulting in significant scrapes/blood/bruises: 3 (in a two day period in PA!) 
Most miles/days between zeros: 522.6mi/24 days Delaware Water Gap, PA-Franconia Notch, NH
Longest gap between resupplies: 134mi/6 days, Daleville-Waynesboro, VA

Weighing the Gossamer Gear Mariposa Pack.

Gear Stats
Base Pack Weight: 12lbs 13.2oz
Total Cost of Gear(not on sale): ~$4,060
Pairs of Shoes: 5
Pairs of Socks: 10
Pole tips replaced: 1
Gear lost or left behind and then found: 1, my fav beanie on the first day!
Gear I lost on the trail: 1 chapstick, water bottle, sunscreen bottle, sunglasses, MP3 player, 3 pee rags(ha!)
# of Headphones lost: NONE! (two hikes in a row, yeah!)

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