April 14, 2018

Spoiler Alert! I have decided to post weekly summaries through my inReach messenger that my good friend Julie is going to post on the blog for everyone.  (THANK YOU JULIE!)  We both have unlimited messaging for these 3 months to keep in touch and to keep my family updated. It’s done in 160 character texts, but it is pretty awesome to have that connection to home for this trip. Detailed daily posts of every day with photos will start going up in 2-3 weeks when I get cell service.

The goal of this week was to gradually climb from 4,056 ft/1,236 m to Kanchenjunga Base Camp, (Google it for a photo), the official start of the Great Himalaya Trail at 16,873 ft/5143 m. We tagged base camp today, right on schedule, and are on our way down! Look at my Where’s Wired tab to get a good visual. This is a formal trekking route, so we have been able to stay and eat at teahouses everyday.  Surprisingly, all of us have not had issues with acclimatizing, but we all have gotten sick!

Thankfully, part of this process requires many half days of hiking to limit elevation gain each day, and that gives us time to recuperate.  Mine has passed after MANY days, and Buck-30 threw up once and recovered in less than a day.  Griggs has a mystery stomach ailment that is lingering slightly and causing lethargy.  He and I have had to battle through. However, we are making it through right on schedule and spirits are high. We have one more day down to Ghunsa where we will then head west to begin crossing the length of Nepal and get off the common trekking routes.  Time to put those heavy tents and insanely heavy food bags to use!  Below is a fun entry from Buck-30 as well since he also cannot post to his journal.  Griggs says hi to everyone! Below are two photos that made it through on day one when I had a moment of service. ** note pics may be slightly blurry

“Wow, I can’t believe I’m receiving this award.  The “Only Throwing up One Time In A Week Award” is really all I ever wanted from the GHT.   I don’t know what to say. I guess, first off, I’d like to thank our lord and savior, The Trail God, for making me only sprint one time to a pit toilet as compared to Wired and Griggs. Of course, I have to thank my parents; without them I wouldn’t be freezing my ass off at 16,900′ in the Himalaya.  And my sister and nieces. And, Heather, I miss you.  I’m ready to be sweltering in the desert with you again. Oh, ok, I’m going. Thanks to everyone.  60 miles down and 840 to go.”  – Buck-30



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