Day 131: Our Big Reward
Aug 31st Oldman Lake CG(2765.3)-Red Eagle, FT CG(2784.4) Campsite Elevation: 4,738ft 19.1mi (plus 4mi on a side trail)=23mi We got to sleep in this morning because it was a low mileage day. We only needed to do 19mi and planned to do an extra side trip with great...

Day 130: Glacier Inspiration!
Aug 30thE Glacier(2747.5)-Oldman Lake CG(2765.3)Campsite Elevation: 6,797ft17.8mi*Warning, long entry, but totally worth reading!Before I start, I just had to share this funny story from Tatu Joe who was at dinner last night. If you all remember, back on day 96, we...

Day 129: Made It To E Glacier!
Aug 29th Marias Campground(2732.5)-E Glacier(2747.5) 15mi Today was our final town day!!! We have gone 10days without showers or laundry and were really eager to get through the 15mi to town today. I set the alarm for 5:15am and got ready with the moon and stars still...

Day 128: Stickin' To The Trail
Aug 28th Int w/N Fork Badger Tr(2707.5)-Marias Campground(2732.5) Campsite Elevation: 5,223ft 25mi Last night, Bloodbath was looking over the maps and noticed an alternate option for today that would save mileage and avoid a lot of ups and downs. He was lobbying for...

Day 127: Back On The (Brushy) CDT
Aug 27thGooseberry Ranger Station(2683.8)-Int w/N Fork Badger Tr(2707.5)Campsite Elevation: 5,795ft23.7miToday was a tough day for me. It was in the mid 30s this morning and everything was wet from condensation overnight. We only had 24mi to do today, so I tried to...

Day 126: Bob Fire Reroute, Day Two
Aug 26thInter of Wall Creek Tr & Mtn Tr(2655.8)-Gooseberry Ranger Station(2683.8)Campsite Elevation: 5,349ft~28miToday was the second and final day of the fire reroute in the Bob Marshall Wilderness. I was looking forward to it because it had us hiking just one ridge...

Day 125: Bob Fire Reroute, Day One
Aug 25thIntersection w/Indian Creek Tr(2628.8)-Inter of Wall Creek Tr & Bungalow Mtn Tr(2655.8)Campsite Elevation: 6,400ft~27miLast night, we camped near a stream and the white noise always helps me to sleep. Since we are doing shorter mileage days, we have decided to...

Day 124: Benchmark Ranch Pitstop
Aug 24th Near Green Fork Guard Station(2606.3)-Intersection w/Indian Creek Trail(2628.8) Campsite Elevation: 6,000ft 22.5mi It was pretty cold this morning in the upper 30s and that was somewhat surprising with how hot it's been by late morning. We were in a burned...

Day 123: Hazy Scapegoat
Aug 23rdBelow Burned Point(2574.3)-Near Green Fork Guard Station(2606.3)Campsite Elevation: 6,000ft32miWith the combination of the wind through surrounding trees and the bright moonlight, I didn't sleep well last night. I used my earplugs and that helped a bit. I...

Day 122: Whew!
Aug 22nd4.3mi After Stemple Pass(2541.2)-Below Burned Point(2574.3)Campsite Elevation: 7,081ft33.1miWhew! I am spent! Today had a lot of hiking and it hasn't been this strenuous in awhile. I haven't been setting an alarm and I've been entertaining myself in the...
Day 121: They're Baack…
Aug 21stSomewhere In Maze of Roads(2511.5)-4.3mi After Stemple Pass(2541.2)Campsite Elevation: 6,878ft29.7miI got going by my usual 6:45am time this morning. The day started out with more road walking. Water is a big question mark through here, so all of us have taken...

Day 120: Let The Countdown Begin!
Aug 20th McDonald Pass US 12/Helena(2495.5)-Somewhere In Maze of Roads(2511.5) 16mi Man, I'm pumped! Today everything fell into place and all is set to hopefully end the morning of Sept 3rd. I pretty much know where I'll be each day the rest of the trail. It is unique...

Day 119: Half Day To Helena
Aug 19thOntario Creek(2478)-McDonald Pass US 12/Helena(2495.5)17.5miI got going by my usual 6:45am time. I haven't been using an alarm and I've even been playing a fun game with myself where I'm not allowed to look at the time until I walk out of camp...it has...

Day 118: Not Quite Home
Aug 18th .4mi N of Champion Pass(2445.7)-Ontario Creek(2478) Campsite Elevation: 6,819ft 32.3mi Big news before I start! Mtn Rat finished the trail yesterday! He pushed to get done in time for his family's yearly vacation together. He may have been first to finish (he...

Day 117: Feeling The Shift
Aug 17th3mi before Nez Perce Creek(2414.5)-.4mi N of Champion Pass(2445.7)Campsite Elevation: 6,972ft31.2miI was on trail hiking by 6:45am this morning. Bloodbath and Rampage were still asleep when I left. They have shorter days planned for this leg and are taking it...