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Sharing the Journey

Sharing the Journey

Opening slide on the big screen. I wanted to give everyone an update on how the much anticipated presentation went. I was blown away by the crowd that was there and how supportive everyone was. It was the largest attendance the Mazamas ever had for a presentation and...

Being Wired On The Trail

Being Wired On The Trail

Journaling at a camp in N. California. Here is the second and final part of my guest post on This is a follow up to the first post, Getting Wired on the Trail.  It is titled, Being Wired on the Trail.  Again, thanks to Halfmile for inviting me...

My Pacific Crest Trail Soundtrack

I have to say that this was one of my favorite posts to put together. The music I listened to on the trail was a huge part of my journey. I spent many times in my own head in thought (or no thought at all), but the most magical and memorable moments for me often came...

Getting Wired on the Trail

Getting Wired on the Trail

I was recently given the honor of doing two guest posts for the I want to give a big shout out to Halfmile for inviting me. Thank you for all that you do for the Pacific Crest Trail community. If it wasn't for your maps and waypoints, I'd still be...

Advice to Future PCTers

Advice to Future PCTers

*NOTE: This post was written in 2011 and much of it is outdated. The general advice still applies, but some things may be outdated as far as specifics or links. I can remember this time last year when my Pacific Crest Trail planning kicked into panic mode. It was my...

A Photo Book Is Worth A Thousand Words!

Hi everybody! I'm excited to share with everyone the Shutterfly photo book I made for myself from the trip. I have to give a big shout out to my friend Hannah for giving me this idea. Thank you Hannah! I now have my photos in an awesome book and visual memories that...

Bonus Material From PCT 2011

Bonus Material From PCT 2011

One of the best parts of post-trail life is all the bonus footage and pictures that hikers send each other. I posted all my pictures and videos from the trail as I hiked, but many hikers wait until they get home to sort through all of it. I've enjoyed reliving the...

Complete PCT Thru Hike Gear Review

Complete PCT Thru Hike Gear Review

Okay, here is the long awaited gear review I’ve gotten so many requests for. Sorry it took so long! For prices and weights, you can look at my gear list tab. I just want to say that gear preferences are a very personal thing and that everyone needs to find what fits...

PCT, by the Numbers

PCT, by the Numbers

I had fun figuring out some random stats from the hike and I thought I'd share them. Did I leave anything fun out? Let me know and maybe I'll add it to the list... Mexico to Canada Miles: 2654.2mi(according to Halfmile's maps) Days to hike the trail: 148 days Zero...

A Reunion Hike with Balls & Sunshine

A Reunion Hike with Balls & Sunshine

I got to go on a great hike in the Gorge with Balls and Sunshine today. Since they had hiked the official PCT, we took Sunshine to see Eagle Creek (a popular alternate route) for the first time. It was an awesome day for a hike and it was great to catch up with Balls...

Fellow Finishers!

Fellow Finishers!

Since coming off the trail, I’ve had a lot of fun getting in touch with many of the hikers I met on the trail. The bonds created on the trail are unique and when you come off, it’s a great support system for transitioning back to the real world. Having a network and...

A Bit of Post-Hike Advice…

A Bit of Post-Hike Advice…

So my first bit of post hike advice is...DON'T sign up to run a marathon right after the hike! I know that advice might seem obvious, but I wasn't the only thru hiker in Portland to make this naive mistake. I had assumed that after hiking 2600mi, running 26mi without...

Returning Home & Settling In

Returning Home & Settling In

It has been a week and a half since I've finished the hike. I have been busy adjusting to life back in Portland and didn't have time to post about my return home, so I thought I'd do it now. The day after we got to Manning Park, I took a bus to Vancouver where my...

Cascade Locks-Manning Park, BC(2155-2663.5)

Cascade Locks-Manning Park, BC(2155-2663.5)

***This elevation chart has to be my favorite. It shows the crazy steepness of Washington and also looks just like the rugged scenery we were lucky to see! Here is the slideshow of Washington. Slideshows may not come up on smartphones. **These last few videos were...

Day 148: Whoa, Canada!

Day 148: Whoa, Canada!

Sept 23rd Holman Pass(2637.5)-Canadian Border/Monument 78(2654.2) Today's Mileage: 16.7mi(plus 7.9 off trail)=24.6mi Today was the big day we've all been waiting for. CANADA BABY!!! Bookworm and I got up and started hiking at 5:45am. I was very excited to be doing...

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