Day 12: Three Days In One!?
April 3rdHite Marina(177)-Poison Spring Canyon(196.4)19.5mi(GPS says 23)Today was one of those days where so many widely different things happened that it seemed like many days. I have a feeling a lot of days will be like this on the Hayduke with so many different...

Day 11: Hite Done Right
April 2ndBottom of Sundance Trail(156.9)-Hite Marina(177)20.1mi(GPS says 23)Whew, what a great day! We got going at our usual 6:40am time and immediately headed up the vertical Sundance Trail. Such a great decision to do this in the morning rather than last night!...

Day 10: Seeing The Light In Dark Canyon
April 1st1mi from Woodenshoe Canyon(141.4)-Bottom of Sundance Trail(156.9)15.5mi (GPS says 18mi)Let it be known, one of the most relaxing days I've had thru hiking happened on the Hayduke Trail! We got our regular 6:40am start and it was back into the deep...

Day 9: Gettin' There In Ruin & Dark Canyon
March 31stJust before Basin Wash(124)-1mi from Woodenshoe Canyon(141.4)17.4mi (GPS says 20mi)Welp, I am slowly improving...I think. I had diarrhea this morning and felt weak and achy in my back like I had the flu and slightly warm. Many of these symptoms are similar...

Day 8: Rebounding In Salt Creek
March 30thAngel Arch Campsite(105.9)-Just before Basin Wash(124)18.1mi (GPS says 20.7mi)Well, the good news is that the stomach ache went away overnight and I was able to hold down a liter of water and a couple bars. I also got a really good night of sleep. The bad...

Day 7: Peekaboo & Salt Creek With A Tummy Ache
March 29thSquaw Flat Campground(90)-Angel Arch Campsite(105.9)15.9miI was up all night with a stomach ache that started around 11pm. Not sure what it is, but I was spinning and nauseous. I ended up throwing up at 4am and was weak and ate half of what I...

Day 6: Welcome to Canyonlands
March 28thIndian Creek(74.6)-Squaw Flat Campground(90)15.4miTechnically, today was like a town day. We were 15mi from Canyonlands National Park where we planned to camp at a formal campground and Katherine was headed to the Needles Outpost, to do a partial resupply....

Day 5: The Much Needed Pause Button
S of Canyonlands Overlook(57)-Indian Creek(74.6)~17.6mi(GPS said 19mi)Whew, today wiped me out! Katherine and I both felt it today as we are both experiencing that early hike adjustment. I think we are doing remarkably well given that we are carrying such heavy loads...

Day 4: Heavy Loads & Dirt Roads
Day 4: Heavy Loads & Dirt RoadsMarch 26thRim on Amasa Back Alt(38.4)- S of Canyonlands Overlook(57)~18.6mi(GPS said 20mi)It was a nice night last night and probably my best night of sleep thus far. It did seem to drop into the 30s, but not bad at all. By the time...

Day 3: Off My Game
March 25th Courthouse Wash(28.9mi)-Rim on Amasa Back Alt(38.4) ~9.5mi I am admittedly off my game so far this trail. I didn't come into the Hayduke as rested, prepared, or trained as I would have liked. It's hard to explain, but I am out of my groove and it hasn't...

Day 2: No Lack of Sand
March 24th Devil's Campground(10.9)-Courthouse Wash(28.9mi) ~18mi We got a leisurely start at 7:15am this morning. Being in a campsite with warmed bathrooms and running water defintely encourages a more relaxed morning. This leg is a great way to start off a long...

Day 1: Rolling Out The Dirt Carpet
March 23rd Tower Arch Trailhead(0)-Devil's Garden Campground(10.9) 10.9mi This entry will be a long one, since there is lots to catch people up on. Not all will be this lengthy, but I've been getting lots of questions (even from my good friends and family!) as to some...

1 Day til Start Date…Drivin' to Moab!
*I'm testing out a new blogging app(BlogTouchPro), so bear with me if things are a little off the next week or so...I am writing this as Katherine and I make the 15hr drive from Portland to Moab, wahoo!!! We actually just crossed into Utah and I got a twinge...

6 Days til Start Date…Sharing the Journey
Podcast! Obviously, a big part of doing my hikes is sharing it with all of you. I've never really been able to fully express in writing how much blogging and sharing the hikes through presentations has enhanced the experience for me personally. I had the opportunity...

11 Days til Start Date…Updated Gear For the Hayduke Trail
I'm pretty dialed in with my gear, but each year there are small improvements that can be made and adjustments that are needed depending on the trail I'll be hiking. My full gear list, along with previous gear lists can be found on my gear tab for anyone interested in...