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A Wired TrailGroove Interview!

A Wired TrailGroove Interview!

Lots of fun updates for everyone! Next week, I will be doing my final CDT presentation... In two weeks, I'm doing a rare presentation on my PCT 2011 hike too! I'm excited to share with everyone the interview I did with the online magazine, TrailGroove! TrailGroove is...

An Update & A Break…

An Update & A Break…

Hi Everyone! I wanted to give you all an update on what I've been up to the last couple of months before I take some time off from the blog. Also, I have a possibly exciting new venture I am proposing below, so be sure to keep reading! I'll probably return to blogging...

Goin’ For The Triple Crown!

Goin’ For The Triple Crown!

I'm making it official...My hope is to hike the Appalachian Trail this coming season in 2014 and complete my triple crown! I will be posting more details on this in the coming months, but for now I'm excited to make the announcement and share with everyone an...

Reflections on Hiking the Continental Divide Trail

Reflections on Hiking the Continental Divide Trail

I wrote an exclusive independent article for Gossamer Gear that was posted today. It is a reflection on my though process and feelings about the Continental Divide Trail before, during, and after the hike. Just click here to read the full article posted on the...

Advice to Future CDTers

Advice to Future CDTers

Note: I hiked the CDT in 2013. A lot has changed since then, and there are much more updated resources now. Still, I know many of you may enjoy reading this. Just know more updated resources exist when it comes to the details. My general thoughts may still be...

Complete CDT Thru Hike Gear Review

Complete CDT Thru Hike Gear Review

Here is my gear review for the gear I used on the CDT this past summer. Much of my primary gear was upgraded just before the CDT and I'm really happy with my changes. For a complete list of my gear with prices and weights, you can go to my gear tab. I've attached...

Comparing The New Sawyer MINI Water Filter & Sawyer Squeeze

Comparing The New Sawyer MINI Water Filter & Sawyer Squeeze

 **Update: Since writing this post, I've found that one drawback of MINI is that the small cap that covers the tip and is attached so it doesn't get lost breaks off very easily so people have made their own caps or found other ways to attach it. I'm sure that...

CDT, by the Numbers…

CDT, by the Numbers…

Another one of my favorite posts. Here are some stats from the CDT trip. Anything I should add to this list that would be fun? Let me know. Thanks to fellow CDTer, Portrait for the elevation charts! Mexico to Canada  Miles: 2,848.7mi April 23rd-Sept 3rd Days to...

Fellow CDT Finishers!

Fellow CDT Finishers!

It has now been almost a month since I finished the trail and almost all the northbound hikers have completed the trail with a few brave souls still left to brave the snow now falling in Glacier. I like to have an "ending credits" kind of post that includes all the...

Announcement: Upcoming Presentations!

Announcement: Upcoming Presentations!

Hi everyone. My first two CDT presentations have been set for October. They were just posted today and space is limited, so go to the links below to register. If they fill up, they said to sign up on the waitlist and they may open it to more people. If you miss out, I...

Two Weeks Later …

Two Weeks Later …

E Glacier-->Chicago-->Portland Miles Hiked: ZERO! Well, I've been off trail almost two weeks now, so I thought I'd update all of you going through "Wired Withdrawal" and let you know how the adjustment back into the "real" world is going. The day after I...

MT 2(Butte, MT)-Canadian Border(Waterton, CA)(2,365.3-2,848.7)

Here is the summary from my eighth and FINAL section of trail, MT 2(Butte, MT)-Canadian Border(Waterton, CA) miles 2,365.3-2,848.7. If the slideshow and videos are not visible and you are using a smartphone or mobile device, you may need to be on a computer to view...



Sept 3rd Kootenai Lakes CS(2841.6)-Waterton Lake, US/Canada Border(2848.7) 7.1mi(+4.3mi to Waterton)=11.4mi Today was our final day on trail! We decided that we'd get a relaxed start at 7:30am and I was very thankful for that. I was not feeling well at all as I was...

Day 133: Last Long Day

Day 133: Last Long Day

Sept 2ndMany Glacier CS(2814)-Kootenai Lakes CS(2841.6)Campsite Elevation: 4,437ft27.6miToday was our next to last day on trail and it was also our last bug mileage day. We had 27.6mi to do and that is a lot, but it was still a relaxed pace compared to the mileage we...

Day 132: Brush, Waterfalls, Views, & Community

Day 132: Brush, Waterfalls, Views, & Community

Sept 1st Red Eagle, FT CG(2784.4)-Many Glacier CS(2814) Campsite Elevation: 4,939ft 29.6mi What a great day! It started off kinda rough. We needed to do 29.5mi to get to our assigned campsite at Many Glacier. I got going early on my own at 6:30am knowing it would be a...

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