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Day 89: The Non-Trail Trail

Day 89: The Non-Trail Trail

July 20th 3mi After Lake of the Woods(1722.2)-Along Forest Rd 5mi Before Dubois(1748.1) Campsite Elevation: 8,724ft 25.9mi Our last full day on the leg that feels like it will never end! We got going at 7am and I was happy to discover that I had phone service for the...

Day 88: Are We There Yet!?

Day 88: Are We There Yet!?

July 19th Green River Valley(1692.7)-3mi After Lake of the Woods(1722.2) Campsite Elevation: 9,399ft 29.5mi We awoke to condensation in our tents. It was unavoidable as we were near the Green River and deep in a canyon. Mine had a lot with droplets covering the inside...

Day 87: Our "Sweetfish Moment"

Day 87: Our "Sweetfish Moment"

July 18th 2mi After Inter w/Timpico Lake Trail (1663.1)-Green River Valley(1692.7) Campsite Elevation: 8,045ft 29.6mi Last night, I counted out my remaining food for the next four days and realized that I needed to pay closer attention to make sure I don't eat too...

Day 86: A Splendid Day of Hiking

Day 86: A Splendid Day of Hiking

July 17th Barren Lake(1634.4)-2mi After Inter w/Timpico Lake Trail (1663.1) Campsite Elevation: 10,842ft 28.7mi I think the perfect word to describe today would be SPLENDID. It was just what the three of us needed. All of us are wanting to do big miles through Wyoming...

Day 85: The Winds: Living Up To The Hype

Day 85: The Winds: Living Up To The Hype

July 16thCreek 1mi After Entering BridgerWilderness(1614)-Barren Lake(1634.4)Campsite Elevation: 10,800ft20.4miThis morning, we slept in a bit as we have all done high miles and long days so far through Wyoming. Rampage(who got her name for her temper...especially in...

Day 84: Transition Into The Winds

Day 84: Transition Into The Winds

July 15thRocks Rd/Atlantic City(1582.5)-Creek 1mi After Entering BridgerWilderness(1614)Campsite Elevation: 9,014ft31.5miThis entry will be shorter because it is already 9:45pm and I am already struggling to stay awake. I'll explain the late night soon, but I'll start...

Day 83: Atlantic City: Burger, Brownie, & Wifi!

Day 83: Atlantic City: Burger, Brownie, & Wifi!

July 14th 1mi after Weasel Spring(1558.6)-Rocks Rd/Atlantic City 23.9mi Okay, so the plan for today was for the three of us to get our resupply boxes in two different locations 5mi apart on trail and avoid the vortex of staying in town...we failed and I'm so happy! We...

Day 82: More Of The Same

Day 82: More Of The Same

July 13th2.5mi before Benton Spring(1525.1)-1mi after Weasel Spring(1558.6)Campsite Elevation: 7,400ft33.5miToday was really uneventful. I started hiking at 6:30am. We all had much needed excellent sleep and felt like we could have slept another hour there, but we had...

Day 81: Walkin' & Talkin'

Day 81: Walkin' & Talkin'

July 12th1/2mi down County Rd 63 from Mineral X Rd(1490.3)-2.5mi before Benton Spring(1525.1)Campsite Elevation: 6,825ft34.8miLast night was a rough night. We all got very little sleep because there were strong wind gusts til almost 2am. Estero tried to move his tent...

Day 80: MAGIC In The Great Divide Basin!

Day 80: MAGIC In The Great Divide Basin!

July 11thUS 287/Rawlins(1468.7)-1/2mi down County Rd 63 from Mineral X RdCampsite Elevation: 6,545ft21.6miToday, the plan was to hike out relaxingly after 11am checkout from the motel. The group leaving from Rawlins was me, Bloodbath, Rampage, Estero, Mark, and Puck....

Day 79: Hiker Reunion In Rawlins

Day 79: Hiker Reunion In Rawlins

July 10th 1mi before Little Sage Reservoir(1450)-US 287/Rawlins(1468.7) 18.7mi Today was a town day again! I woke up to a pretty awesome sunrise and had 19 more miles of road walking to get to town. I felt great and no effects from the big day yesterday other than a...

Day 78: The Mental Challenge

Day 78: The Mental Challenge

July 9thN Fork Savery Creek(1413)-1mi before Little Sage Reservoir(1450)Campsite Elevation: 7,200ft37miYep, I woke up to a tent full of condensation this morning. I expected it with the low area I camped in, but hoped I'd be wrong. This time there were even droplets...

Day 77: Gettin' Low

Day 77: Gettin' Low

July 8thBattle Pass WY 70(Encampment/Riverside)(1386.4)-N Fork Savery Creek(1413)Campsite Elevation: 7,630ft26.6miWell, the day did not start out as planned today. The plan was that Buzz, the logger who gave me a ride into town last night, was going to pick me up this...

Day 76: Wyoming Baby!

Day 76: Wyoming Baby!

July 7thImi Before Ellis Trail Inter(1358.4)-Battle Pass WY 70(Encampment & Riverside)(1386.4)Campsite Elevation: 7,198(in town)28miAs I finished writing last night, I mentioned the lightning and thunder again...yep it stormed on me again around midnight for an hour....

Day 75: Makin' Miles

Day 75: Makin' Miles

July 6th1mi Before Rainbow Lake Trail(1329.2)-Imi Before Ellis Trail Inter(1358.4)Campsite Elevation: 9,425ft29.2miOh man, there ended up being one doozy of a thunderstorm late last night. Around midnight, the thunder and lightning was all around and very powerful. I...

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