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Day 118: Wired is Recharged!

Day 118: Wired is Recharged!

Aug 24th Maiden Peak Snow Hut(1920.7)-Horseshoe Lake(1949.8) Today's Mileage: 29.1mi Today was Jennifer's last day hiking with me and it was just the visit I needed! It has been great to slow down and rest my body and mind. Each day I've felt stronger and more...

Day 117: Oh, the People We Meet

Day 117: Oh, the People We Meet

Aug 23rd Diamond Peak(1902.9)-Maiden Peak Snow Hut(1920.7) Today's Mileage: 17.8mi Thankfully, the wind died down last night and we both slept well. It was a nice downhill hike to Shelter Cove and we got there by 10:30am. I know many hikers are taking the shorter and...

Day 116: Buggin' Out!

Day 116: Buggin' Out!

Aug 22nd N of Bradley Creek Junction(1880.9)-Diamond Peak(1902.9) Today's Mileage: 22mi Today was, by far, the day with the most mosquitoes. They were horrible! I spent almost the whole day with my mosquito net on and they still somehow flew in there! We got going...

Day 115: Oregon High

Day 115: Oregon High

Aug 21st Mt. Thielsen(1858.1)-N of Bradley Creek Junction(1880.9) Today's Mileage: 22.8mi We woke up this morning to dry tents despite the rain as we went to bed last night, so that was nice. Jennifer and I got a good start at 6am and it was a great morning. The...

Day 114: Big Miles For the Rookie

Day 114: Big Miles For the Rookie

Aug 19th Crater Lake(1834.6)-Mt. Thielsen(1858.1) Today's Mileage: 23.5mi Today was a great first day of backpacking with my friend Jennifer who is joining me for five days to do just over 100mi. We stealth camped along Crater Lake last night and woke up early to...

Day 113: Crater Lake

Day 113: Crater Lake

Aug 19th Jack Spring Junction(1817)-Crater Lake(1834.6) Today's Mileage: 17.6mi Oh what a wonderful day. I woke up excited and ready to hike this morning. I've been looking forward to this day all hike! I've always wanted to see Crater Lake and my friend Jennifer was...

Day 112: Mosquito Country

Day 112: Mosquito Country

Aug 18th Near Freye Lake(1785)-Jack Spring Junction(1817) Today's Mileage: 32mi We have officially entered mosquito country! There were so many last night that we ate dinner in our tents. I tried not to put deet on this morning and had to give in because they were...

Day 111: Feeling Strong

Day 111: Feeling Strong

Aug 17th Near Hyatt Reservoir(1752.7)-Near Freye Lake(1785) Today's Mileage: 32.3mi The goal for today was to do big miles to get us that much closer to Crater Lake. The first half of the day was very uneventful and we joked that I would have nothing to journal about....

Day 110: Getting Off To A Good Start

Day 110: Getting Off To A Good Start

Aug 16th Ashland(1726.6)-Near Hyatt Reservoir(1752.7) Today's Mileage: 26.1mi This morning, my step uncle Barry was kind enough to get up early to drive me back to the trail. Along the way, we picked up Half Fast and Red Blaze in Ashland. Liz, Funyan, and Meow Meow...

Day 108 & 109: A Much Needed Nero and Zero in Grants Pass!

Day 108 & 109: A Much Needed Nero and Zero in Grants Pass!

Aug 14th & 15th Grouse Gap Shelter(1715.9)-Ashland(1726.6) Today's Mileage: 10.7mi I am just completing my nero and zero in Grants Pass and I still have a ton to do in very little time, so here's a quick summary with pics. We woke up to a great first day in Oregon...

Sierra City-Ashland(1197.6-1726.6)

Sierra City-Ashland(1197.6-1726.6)

**Here's the pics and videos from the most recent section. I also finally got all the pics and video from the previous section up. It has some pretty incredible footage from the stream crossings and my side visit to Yosemite, so please go back to my post that says...

Day 107: I'm Finally in OREGON!

Day 107: I'm Finally in OREGON!

Aug 13th Alex Hole Campground(1690.3)-Grouse Gap Shelter(1715.9) Today's Mileage: 25.6mi Yay! Today was the big day! After 107 days and 1,698mi, I'm finally in my home state of Oregon. What a wonderful day! It started with one final beautiful California sunrise. I was...

Day 106: My "Double Rainbow" Day!

Day 106: My "Double Rainbow" Day!

Aug 12th Fern Spring(1663.6)-Alex Hole Campground(1690.3) Today's Mileage: 26.7mi Liz and I got going early again today at 6am. The rest of the group was about 30mins after us. We really wanted to get the steep 5mi climb out if the way before the heat set in. It was...

Day 105: We Got A Hot One Here!

Day 105: We Got A Hot One Here!

Aug 11th Buckhorn Spring(1641)-Fern Spring(1663.6) Today's Mileage: 22.6mi We all got going early this morning. Funyan, Meow Meow, Half Fast, and Red Blaze were all gone by 5:30am. Liz and I left at 6am. I just can't set my alarm before 5am and it takes me about an...

Day 104: Wired Is Tired

Day 104: Wired Is Tired

Aug 10th Cub Bear Spring(1614)-Buckhorn Spring(1641) Today's Mileage: 27mi Whew, I am worn out! We planned a 27mi day today. We had to do it because we will be walking through Seiad Valley tomorrow and everyone, but me, needs to get there in time to get a package at...

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