Day 16: Big Miles to Big Bear City!
May 14th North of Creekside Camp(236)-Big Bear City-Hwy 18(265.3) Today's Mileage: 29.3mi Whoa! Today was great! Top Shelf and I got moving by 6am like we usually do. We knew we were about 30mi from Big Bear City and we had accepted that we'd get there tomorrow...

Day 15: A Reprieve From the Sun
May 13th Whitewater Preserve(218.6)-North of Creekside Camp(236) Today's Mileage: 17.4mi As promised, we slept in this morning. The trail angel who made us dinner last night also made us all eggs and chocolate chip pancakes. Thanks Buck-30! It was a great way to start...

Day14: Down, Down, Down, Up, Up, Down
May 12th Below Fuller Ridge(195.5)-Whitewater Preserve(218.6) Today's Mileage: 23.1mi *Note: I haven't been able to get a signal the past 24hrs to send out my posts, so multiple ones may get sent out if there is a day or two missed. This will happen from time to time....

Day 13: Fuller Ridge
May 11th Idyllwild(178.6)-Somewhere below Fuller Ridge(195.5) Day's Mileage: 16.9 trail miles(+2.5 side trail)=19.4mi Today was the intimidating Fuller Ridge. It is on the north side of San Jacinto Mtn and is known for the treacherous unmelted snow that can be...

Day 12: A Zero in Idyllwild
May 10th So after a draining day yesterday, a zero in Idyllwild was just what I needed. Idyllwild is an adorable little town! I spent 90% of the day relaxing in the cabin, but the little I saw was great! Everything is within a 3 block walking distance which is very...

Day 11: A Draining Day in the Clouds
May 9th 2mi N of Hwy 74(153.8)-Idyllwild(178.6) Today's Mileage: 24.8mi on trail(+3.5 off trail)=28.3mi Today was the most draining day of hiking I've ever had! Top Shelf and I managed to get a good night's sleep and stayed safe from the rain and high wind advisory....

Day 10: Scenery and Paradise
May 8th Dirt Rd(134.8)-2.5mi N Hwy 74(153.8) Day's Mileage: 19mi It was a good night's sleep, but after all those miles yesterday, today was the first time I felt sore in the morning. My thighs felt it and I was just a bit less energized than usual. We knew we only...

Day 9: Closer to Paradise
Warner Springs(109.6)-Dirt Rd(134.8) Day's Mileage: 25.2mi (+1.2mi road walk)=26.4mi After looking at the maps with Will(now Top Shelf) and Speed Bump, we realized that we were 41.7mi from Paradise Valley Cafe (not including 2mi of road walking). This cafe is a must...

Day 7 & 8: A Nero and A Zero
May 5th & 6th Barrel Spring(101.4)-Warner Springs (109.6) Day's Mileage: 8.2mi (+1.2mi non trail miles on a road to Warner Springs)=9.4mi A Warner Springs bfast with: So Far, Speed Bump, me, Patch, Half Fast, Red Blaze, Free Range Amelia, Will, Balls, Dutch,...

Campo to Warner Springs (Mile 0-110.6)
Mile 0-110.6 **If you are using a smart phone, the slideshow might not show below here, but it's there! Check it out on a computer. Slideshow of Miles 0-110.6 The First Steps Mile 9.5 Windy Day Near Mile 50

Day 6: Heat, Hills, Hundred,…HOTDOGS!!!
May 4th 2mi N Scissors Crossing(79.4)-Barrel Spring(101.4) Day's Mileage: 22mi A lot of today was rough and it ended in the most amazing way! I thought yesterday would be a day to remember, jeez! I woke up from another great night of sleep. It was so nice, I hardly...

Day 5: Heat, Hills, and Hulu
May 3rd Sunrise Trailhead(59)-In the Hills 2mi N Hwy 78(79.4) Day's Mileage: 20.4mi Today was definitely a day to remember. It was the mildest night and the best sleep I've had so far. I got going early on my own knowing that the others would catch me by lunchtime. I...

Day 4: Word of the Day…WINDY!!!
May 2nd A ridge just north of Long Canyon Creek(39.6)-Sunrise Trailhead(50) Day's Mileage: 19.4mi I don't think I slept even 3hrs last night. None of us did because the wind gusts were INSANE! Just the noise from the flapping of my tent was enough to keep me up all...

Day 3: Workin' Out the Kinks
May 1st Lake Morena(20.6)-A ridge just north of Long Canyon Creek(39.6) Day's Mileage: 19mi Another fun day playing leap frog with all the hikers leaving kick off this morning. I hiked the first half of the day with Alex, Ethan, and Dutch (pictured below). I separated...

Day 2: Kick Off
April 30th I spent the day attending kick off at Lake Morena. I was looking forward to attending lectures and getting some much needed alone time. The lectures were great. Most beneficial was the information and lectures on how to handle this year's snow. It looks...